Co- Curricular Activities
DOESTDOT School offers an extensive and varied co-curricular program, and we strongly encourage our students to participate in it. DOESTDOT seeks to provide opportunities for students to discover personal/individual talents and interests.
- Sport
- Visual & Performing Arts
- Agriculture
- Home makers
- Music
JUNIOR ENGINEERS, TECHNOLOGISTS AND SCIENTISTS (JETS) CLUB is a platform where students apply the theory learnt in science subjects including Mathematics for the production of goods that are of great benefits to man. It aims at explaining the hidden causes of environmental problems and offer possible panacea from various scientific and technological points of views.
The motto of the club is “Raising the world’s reformers”.
The objectives of the club are:
- To prepare students for high level of reasoning, imagination and manipulation of data that leads to appropriate judgment.
- To help students in building up their abilities to analyze and solve scientific problems using their basic knowledge.
- To teach students to acquire practical skills which would be of great value to their future employer or to the students as future entrepreneurs / inventors.
The club has a tradition of embarking on at least a major project in a term. Intra and inter – school project exhibitions are also a part of the clubs’ activities. The club has in the past worked on the Arduino project, produced solar oven, continuity tester, simple periscope, antenna and picnic chairs.
This is a conglomerate of creative, cultural and theatre troupe; literary and debating society; and the media. The aim is to build vibrant and versatile students in terms of moral, social, mental and aesthetics appreciation. Through this club, our past stories and events are re-enacted. It gives members the opportunities to initiate and express themselves confidently; observe as well as criticize the occurrences around them; work together as a team and sharpens their presentation skills, diction and composure.
The members serve as news correspondents in the school. With the Coordinators’ supervision, they gather and broadcast local and relevant foreign news, and of course, news from the education sector on weekly basis (during Friday Assemblies).
Moreover, the club educates, informs and entertains Audience/guests during important school events like seminars, openday/ parents’ forum, valedictory service, cultural day, Christmas carol, literary weeks, end of the session party, Nigerian independence and host of others.
- To expose students to relevant information
- To enhance members’ literary skills, communication abilities, pronunciation and critical thinking
- To expose students to arrays of African culture through traditional dance, drama, music and folk tales
- To provide an effective training ground for the development of students’ communicative abilities
- Introduction of the students to the media
- To equip students for news production, dissemination and management
- To discover students’ talents and encourage other intrinsic skills
- To promote the school’s image and standard through the staging of dynamic plays (touches various fields) that reflect the current trends in the society
- To revive and propagate African culture
- To introduce active participants to news gathering, editing and production, play writing, as well as story writing.
Young Farmers’ Club
Do-Estdot International School encourages our students that have keen interest in Agriculture by providing a reasonable size of arable land for agricultural practices (cultivation of crops).
The school also provides a place for rearing of snails, to encourage the students and enlighten them on snail rearing.
The fishery part of our school farm is designed with modern fishery materials, for the students to be familiar with the new and modern ways of rearing fish. Students’ rear and harvest fish at the end of the day to know how the business works.
One of the most interesting parts of our school farm is the rabbit hutch, which encourage students and allow them have knowledge on rabbit rearing.
In 2016/2017 academic session, students in S.S 2 class planted, nurtured and harvested maize crop. They also planted vegetable crop, which was well nurtured to the stage of harvesting.
The S.S 1 students of 2016/2017 academic session also planted spinach, which was well planted and nurtured by these students.
In other areas like fish farming, snail rearing, rabbit rearing, poultry and livestock farming, the school allows all students in the Young Farmers club to have access to these animals which were provided by the school, so as to observe the nature and development of these animals. Students took active part in the feeding and ensuring hygienic environment for these animals.
All these above mentioned activities of the Young Farmers club are basically to encourage and broaden the knowledge of our students that have interest in any branch of agriculture. The school has the aim of producing young entrepreneur, energetic, educated and brilliant farmers that will feed the nation and contribute to the development of the economy of our great country, NIGERIA through Agriculture.
Do-Estdot International school is globally known for its exploit in sports and academics. We have a routine scheduled training for our students in preparation for any competition at any level. We equally explore weekends to train our athletes. We have specialists in different areas of sports ranging from track to field events. The consistent trainings give us an edge to be able to excel in both local and international tournaments.
Do-Estdot has been able to present athletes who represented the school at local, state and national tournament levels. We presented athletes who represented Alimosho Local Government for IBILE Games at Teslim Balogun Stadium in 2012, and they won Gold and Silver medals.
Our athletes have also represented Lagos State at NATIONAL SPORTS FESTIVAL held in Lagos State in 2012, also in ABUJA at DEAFLYMPIC SPORTS FESTIVAL. Do-Estdot International school also represented NIGERIA at BULGARIA where DEAFLYMPIC took place and they came home with gold. In our district and the entire Lagos-state we are known as a great school in times of sports and academic.
“Young people need to be prepared for a world which is changing rapidly. They need to have the skills and attitudes in order to cope with an unpredictable future and be able to make the most of their abilities to contribute to the world of work and the wider community. From the earliest age, children have a natural ability to be enterprising and it is important for that ability to be nurtured throughout education”.
This is the opportunity that is offered to all members of the school community to develop enterprise skills applicable in all spheres of life.
Enterprise Education is not a standalone subject: it underpins, and is supported by the 2013 NERDC curriculum.
Integrated approaches to vocational, work-related learning and enterprise alongside cross-curricular methods take enterprise beyond the business context and extend to extracurricular opportunities too. Assessing and accrediting enterprise learning also helps students to see the relevance of their studies.
There is a clear link to apprenticeships, which see young people learning in the workplace/specialized rooms, to mathematics which focus on applied learning and to Functional Skills which teach young people how to apply core skills to real life. There are also clear links to Agricultural science, English language, Civic education, PHE and work-related learning.
In the 2016/2017 session, four vocational fields will be available for all the students:
- Garment making
- Catering
- Fisheries
- Basic electricity
The use of ICT/technology is embedded to enhance creativity and innovation.
Other strategies that will drive the hub include mentoring, mock interviews and extended work placements.
The music club is handled by professional music tutors. The club exposes students to proper handling and playing of musical instruments of their choices (Strings, Wood winds, Brass and Percussions) both western and African musical instruments with voice training, singing exercises and choral rehearsals.
We have been able to perform choral works – solo and group with musical instruments, opera and pure orchestral ensembles.
The students always perform during the end of the session party, open day, the Christmas party, and the Independence Day celebration.
Art Club
The art club is handled by the Fine & Visual Art teacher. Students are exposed to colours with their applications, mosaic, drawings, crafts, tie-dye and use of beads to make beautiful designs, e.t.c.
Students in this club have been practically involved in paintings, paper mache, mosaics, drawings, crafts designs and other beautiful creative designs. Apart from general Art Exhibitions organized by the club every session, the club also showcases various art works during school programmes like open day, the Christmas party, and the Independence Day celebration.
Students are therefore encouraged to be creative in thinking which is transmitted into their designs.
Our Home Economics Laboratory is well equipped with modern kitchen facilities, tools and utensils to enhance teaching and learning process for the Home Economics students in Junior Secondary School 1-3 and students in Senior Secondary School 1-3 for Foods and Nutrition, Catering and Craft Practice, and Garment Making.
We also have well trained experienced and dedicated personnel who are ready and willing to train students in any of their choice subject.
Students have been trained in the following areas:
- Soap making, Disinfectants, Sanitizers and scouring powder.
- Garment making which involves Permanent and Temporary stitches.
- Foods and Nutrition: Pizza making, bread rolls, ice-cream, cake baking and decoration.