Admission Procedure

DO-ESDOT International School places great value on merit. Apart from beginners, all in-coming pupils are expected to sit for qualifying tests. Admission is simply on merit without discrimination of any type.

The primary section offers admission to children within the ages of 0-10 into appropriate classes (Crèche - Primary six). A placement test is conducted for new intakes. Only pupils from Nursery classes are qualified to take the test for class placement.

Procedure for admission is as follows:

  1. Submit the filled form with two recent passport photographs,
  2. Attach a photocopy of Birth Certificate and Health Form.
  3. The child sits for a written test for class placement between Mondays and Fridays between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  4. Admission letter and other documents will be issued after the result of the test is out.
  5. Pay the school fees into our designated bank accounts or cash at the school account section (kindly refer to the school fees bill for account and payment details).
  6. Payments for Crèche are done monthly or termly.

The school’s activities run through Mondays- Fridays except on Public Holidays.

For more information, contact us through these numbers: 08164021382 / 08138345023

Online registration

  1. Pay the amount of N5,000 to any of these bank account.
  2. Visit our website and Click on the admission form button on the website homepage.
  3. Fill in all necessary information alongside the teller number.
  4. Scan your child/ward’s passport in the box provided on the form.
  5. Submit and print out the admission form.
  6. The print out should be submitted to the School.

Application for Admission:

Teller Number

Pupil's Details

Father's Details

Mother's Details
I agree to pay necessary fees due in respect of my child in advance and to comply with all conditions stipulated in the School Prospectus.